Tuesday 27 June 2023

ENGLISH LITERATURE 1 - "Poetry Makes my Toes Tingle!"


ENGLISH LITERATURE 1 - "Poetry Makes my Toes Tingle!"


   1. Explore the following websites : 



 2. Read John Donne's poems and chose 2-3 lines that you liked because of...

a) the meaning; 

b) his style ( conceits, imagery, use of words); 

c) the rhythm or musicality of the lines; 

e) what they made you feel and why. 

3.Write the lines you have chosen in the comments below. Use the proper punctuation, i.e., the lines should be enclosed between inverted commas "....", followed by the author. Below, write the title References and below, the website from which you obtain the lines. For example: 


The Poetry Archive Editors. "In the Time of the Breaking of Nations", by Thomas

     Hardy." Read by Anthony Thwaite. N. d. Web. 27 June 2023. 


4. Take your time to write your classmates's lines and leave a comment about their lines. 

Friday 9 June 2023

RENAISSANCE POETS - English Literature 1

RENAISSANCE POETS - English Literature 1  

Thomas Wyatt

                                                     Edmund Spenser

William Shakespeare

Sir Philip Sydney

                                                 Francesco Petrarch


We are going to work more in depth with some Renaissance poets:  
  • Thomas Wyatt
  • Edmund Spencer
  • William Shakespeare
  • Sir Philip Sydney
  • Francesco Petrarch.  
1.Work in groups of 4 or 5 students. 
2.You will be assigned a poet. Find a poem you like, which moves you.
3. Choose a stanza in this poem that impressed you most due to its meaning, to the poet's use of imagery or figures of speech, etc.
4.Write TWO paragraphs:  1) Introduce the poet and the poet in one sentence, saying when it was published; paraphrase the stanza in the first paragraph; 2) in the second paragraph, write a brief conclusion saying why you have chosen that particular poem and that particular stanza You can also use the second paragraph to finish your analysis of the stanza and keep your opinion to the minimum, i.e., one sentence ( this is a better choice). 
5. DO NOT plagiariase your souces, if you use any. Acknowledge them properly. Your teacher will teach you how. 
6. At the beginning of the document, write the title of your poem between inverted commas, the poet's name and then, the group members. At  the end of your Word document, you should write References as a title, followed by the sources you used to help you write.
You can find poems in the websites below. 

Deadline to have your paragraphs marked by your teacher:  Monday, 19June - 15:00 pm

Deadline for posting your production in the Blog:  Tuesday, 27 JUNE. 

#To quote the website from which you obtained your poem, look at your booklet to see how this is done.You will find an example of References at the end of the notes on "Sonnet 116" (and there are more examples all over your booklet). 

#Once all the groups have posted their productions, on 27 June (or before that date), you must enter the Blog and read at least one post by another group. Leave a comment on their lines: What did they make you feel? Which line moved you most and why? Did it remind you of something that happened to you? 

Monday 3 April 2023



Students comment on different aspects of Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights.

They have uploaded their views on PADLET. 


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ENGLISH LITERATURE 1 - "Poetry Makes my Toes Tingle!"

  ENGLISH LITERATURE 1 - "Poetry Makes my Toes Tingle!"     INSTRUCTIONS:      1. Explore the following websites :  https://poetr...