Thursday 24 September 2020

EMMA, by Jane Austen

 Emma, by Jane Austen

1  1.You are going to work in groups of  up to 9 students. Your document must not be more than 2 pages long (A4 , Arial 12, double spacing, justified paragraphs) and must contain 3-4 extracts to illustrate each topic you’re asked to explore.
    2.Cite your sources properly. You’re advised to use the sources already provided to you by your teacher in your booklet. If you use other sources, acknowledge them properly both in your in-text citations and in your references ( at the end of your document). 
     1) In INTRODUCTION to introduce what you are analysing, book and author, in one paragraph.
     2) Topic sentences for each paragraph of your analysis to signal what the paragraphs are about.Then an explanation backed up by the extracts.
     3) You must analyse your  topics using the sources provided by me and citing them in your References at the end of your document. The novel should be cited as one of your sources as well.
3    4)You must find  3-4 extracts for each topic, where the main ideas in your analysis are clearly shown. Cite the author whenever you quote from the novel: (Austen 34).
 5)Your document must be 2 pages long (A 4 – ARIAL 12 – double spacing – justified paragraphs).
6) DO NOT  write the extracts alone,  because in that case, there is no actual analysis and your readers won't understand what your analysis is about. 
7) A CONCLUSION to round up ALL your arguments.
8) You can start with a quote pertinent to your area of analysis if you like, before the introduction. 
8    9) Proper heading: 
Instituto Superior del Profesorado Nº 4, Ángel Cárcano
Analysis of Emma, by Jane Austen

        Group members: ___________________

GROUPS: 1) Genre (The Novel of Manners) ; 2) Features of Jane Austen's Style; 3) Themes in Emma (focus on no more than 3 themes).
      You must share your production with me by email on SATURDAY 3rd, OCTOBER - 9:00 AM       DEADLINE for publication in the Blog: THURSDAY 15th, OCTOBER - 08:00 AM

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